Why Is Walking Good For Us? (Copy)
When you walk, you are carrying your own body weight. This is known as weight-bearing exercise. Some of the benefits include:
Improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high chloresterol. joint and muscular pain or stiffness and diabetes, increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness.
Stronger bones and improved balance.
Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
Increased muscle strength and endurance.
Reduced body fat.
Image kindly donated by Sheffield Walking Group
Did you know that your mental alertness, energy and mood can all be increased with just a short 10 minute burst of walking? Regular walking boosts blood flow to the muscles and brain, helping us feel more energised. Getting out into the Great Outdoors to see seasonal changes (May Bluebell Walk photo supplied by Sheffield Walking Group) can help reduce stress and enable us to appreciate nature as we condition and strengthen our bodies and boost our mental wellbeing. It can also increase our self-esteem and reduce anxiety and the risk of depression. Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnoea, have been known to improve too.
Walking for 30 minutes a day or more on most days of the week is the perfect way to improve or maintain our overall health as It counts as moderate-intensity exercise, so long as it's brisk (about 80 steps per minute).
How Can You Step Up Your Walking?
Comfortable Footwear which provides adequate support will make walking any distance feel easier.
Interval Training can be achieved by short periods of walking at a faster pace, maybe adding 15-30 second intervals of speed walking to your normal walk, giving yourself as much recovery time as you need.
Pace Counts using a free walking app (Strava, MapMyWalk,Go Jauntily, Fitbit, AllTrails or the NHS Active 10 Walking Tracker) to set pace-related goals by monitoring your walking pace to keep you motivated and track progress.
Walking Poles can help with balance and engage your arms and upper body during your walk. (Read on to 'Pole Positioning' for more info re the health benefits of poles and Nordic Walking.)
Breathe easy and match your footsteps with your breathing patterns, taking four steps as you inhale and four steps as you exhale.
Image kindly donated by The Sheffield Walking Group
Local Walking Groups.
Sheffield Walking Group
There are more than 200 members and upcoming walks are on its website:
Discover news of weekends away, social events and a 'new members pub meet' on the first Wednesday of each month at The Old Shoe, Orchard Square, Sheffield, (which recently won Best New Bar at the Exposed Awards). Some of the outdoor walking photos in this month's newsletter have been kindly donated by Sheffield Walking Group and depict many picturesque locations they visit.
More Local Walking Groups:
Sheffield Walkers: https://sheffieldwalkers.org.uk/
Chesterfield and NE Derbyshire Ramblers: https://chesterfieldramblers.com/
Peak Walking Group: https://peakwalkinggroup.co.uk/
Derbyshire Ramblers: https://derbyshireramblers.org.uk/
Guided Walks through Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire: https://www.onestepwalkers.co.uk/
Hope Walking- Modern day walking journey/pilgrimages in the UK and abroad: http://www.hopewalking.co.uk/